OK. End of the month, which seems like a good point to wrap up these movie poster posts. Hope you’ve been enjoying them.

Probably one of the best posters I’ve come across lately. In fact if I were to do a top ten posters of all time this would very likely be in it. I love the fact it black and white but the plasters are the only things in colour. Or the fact that under the title of the film it got “Obviously” in brackets. Or just that it got classic Hammer Horror cleavage in it as well. Also it kind of goes well with a
previous post I’ve made about Dracula and sticky plasters.

This poster is worth a look if only for the top tagline alone

First saw this poster on the back cover of the collected edition of Vol 2 of
Cinema Sewer that FAB Press have been putting out lately. Again not to sound like a broken record but it all about the design in this montage scene. As the viewer looking at this poster you’re about to get a kick to the face, clubbed with a gun and a quick panty shot all at once.
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