Going back to good montage images. Above is another poster I think works well. You can’t beat a good Kung Fu montage. Probably a pain in the arse to draw with all the figure work and foreshortening you’d have to do. But great end result.

I watched this film the other day again. I think it got a lot going for it. I’ve
previously posted a poster for Mudhoney (which they change the title too) but I guess this must be an earlier poster as it called Rope Of Flesh here. Not a bad poster but it does suffer from the very basic problem that it gives away the ending of the film. It like if the poster for Jaws was a shot of the shark exploding as Brody shoots the gas tank in it mouth.

Looks like a bit of a Star Wars rip off to me but I still really want to see
this film. Reminds me of another Star Wars type movie I saw a few months ago called
Spacehunter: Adventures In The Forbidden Zone. Staring a young Molly Ringwald. I can’t find anything on this movie and it doesn’t look like it out on DVD (not region 2 anyway) but it wasn’t a bad movie at all. Not great. But not bad. Worth a watch.
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