A quick post tonight. Just so I can move these B-Movie\Exploitation posts along a bit. And just so I get away from the drawing board for a few minutes.
Ms. 45 Here one film on the list I have seen. Years ago, but still… A rape revenge movie about a gun-wielding woman who for some reason dresses as a nun. Can’t remember why she does.
Me and a friend would watch a lot of these types of movies when we were teenagers. Clockwork Orange, I Spit On Your Grave, Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Those films are now all out on DVD uncut. I don’t remember Ms. 45 being any worse then those films and yet you still can’t get a decent copy of it on DVD.
The poster itself has a nice basic design about it. It goes for shock more like something you’d find in a horror movie poster or something.
Follow the above Wiki link for a better plot summary and an alternative film poster, Which is also pretty cool.

I think this is the French poster for the 70’s remake of King Kong. I haven’t seen it for years but I think it’s the 70’s Kong where he fights a giant snake as it a Dinosaur in the original. At no point do I remember him fighting a giant shark however. Now that one deleted scene I’d like to see.