Monday, 7 April 2008

Outer Space.

When I updated my blog Monday night I was feeling a little off after a weekend of doing my part time job and drawing, but was looking forward to just sitting down for a few days and really having a go at the new page I’m on. So I wasn’t very pleased when I woke up Tuesday to find that the feeling a bit shitty had turned into full-blown flu. Spent Tuesday and Wednesday mostly in bed and shuffling around the house in a confused zombie like manner. Did mange to start to do a bit of artwork towards the end of the week and today but not half as much as I wanted too this week. It made me think back to when you were a kid and getting the flu was a blessing as it meant time off school and yet no matter how hard you tried you were invincible as a child. You could walk around all day with your coat off in the rain or go round licking handrails and you never went down with anything. Now a days were time off equals loss of money I seem to get most bugs going around. I think I’m over the worse now but I still feel a bit off and it’s left me with a sore throat and cough (I’m really getting the full package with this bug.) How come its spring and everything’s covered in snow outside and I’ve got a mean cold?

Back on the artwork side of life I think I’ll post the first panel from a short sci-fi strip I’m working on. Feels a bit weird to be drawing space ships and robots as for the last few years everything I’ve drawn has been set in modern times. I never planned it that way or anything. Dirge was just such a big project and anything else in between I didn’t have the time or really thought to do any work in any other genre. So before I became the Mike Leigh of UK comics I decided to do this short Sci-fi story I’ve written. Like I said it feels weird to be drawing Space ships and robots but I’m enjoying it. I was really keen to do something new as I finished Dirge 2 on a Wednesday and started this short story on the Friday of that same week.

More soon.

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