Friday, 25 April 2008

Gladiator?… Really?

Was working late last night trying to sort a page out while watching some late night TV when I saw this great Vincent Price 60’s movie, The Masque Of The Red Death. Great film by Roger Corman based on an Edgar Allen Poe story. It’s a great film if you ever get a chance to see it. Full of Devil worshippers and Vincent Price being an utter evil bastard. Now a days if I see or hear of a good film the first thing I usually do is look it up on Wikipedia and IMDB which is what I did with this film. After reading the profile on IMDB what really stuck out to me was the recommendation of over films you might like if you enjoyed this one and how some of them are nothing like the film you just watched. With Masque Of The Red Death they also recommend Gladiator and Batman Begins. I notice this lately while looking up other films and how sometimes they’ll just throw in a random film. Here some I’ve spotted about:

# Liked Apocalypse Now? Why not try Golden Eye?
# Big fan of Taxi Driver? You might also then enjoy Die Hard 4.
# Night Of The Living Dead? Rambo (the new one not the first one.)
# Jaws 2? Why not try Spider Man 3 or I Still Know What You Did Last Summer.
# Robocop? Try Reservoir Dogs.
# Enjoyed Liar, Liar? Watch A Time To Kill.
# A Scanner Darkly? Basic Instinct.

I’m not sure who submits these recommendation and if they’ll taking the piss. I think they some times just run out of films that are the same. I’m sure there’s ones way worse then the ones I’ve spotted above. Next time your looking a film up on IMDB try it out.

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