Tuesday, 9 October 2007

The Heart Break Of Living In The Real World.

The older you get, the more of life’s little wonders are peeled away. Its truly heart breaking that it seem to happen more and more the older you get. Great myths turn to nothing. What you thought to be true was never true to begin with. But this latest revelation was truly heart breaking. If you do not want to share my heartbreak stop reading now.

Like most men when you mention female tennis one thing comes to mind. When you think of women playing tennis, you think of those sexy grunts they give out as they hit the ball. Those high pitch grunts that seem so wrong and yet so right. There can only be one answer for that sound right? That women get uncontrollably horny while playing tennis. Everybody knows this right? Tennis is a sexy game and it just gets to women. Well sadly I believed this to be true all my life until a couple of days ago when I read (STOP READING NOW…. LAST CHANCE….SAVE YOURSELF…ABORT) that in fact female tennis players give out those loud horny sounding grunts to put the other player off how there going to play there next shot. So she goes to hit the ball and gives a really loud grunt like she just smacked it as hard as she can when really she cheekily just tap it over the net or something and put the other player on the wrong foot. Also the loud grunt stops the other player from hearing the sound of the ball hitting the racket so she can’t judge her shot off this sound. So there you go. Long story short, girls don’t get horny playing tennis. Another good thing in life turns out to be false. Something that was sexy and fun just turns out to be more mind games.

I need to get into a pillow fight with a bunch of cheerleaders or have to save an all female volleyball team from killer badgers or something because the world becoming very unsexy and no fun at the moment.

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