Had a fright the other night on my way home from work. Lost in my own daydream world as I walked home when something dashed in front of me and I nearly tripped over it. It was so big I thought somebody’s dog had got loose and was coming for me when I first saw it out of the corner of my eye. By the time it was in front of me and I was trying not to walk into it I could see it was a massive Badger and I could hear it claws rattling against the pavement as it dashed in front of me. As it ran off into somebody garden I remember thinking that would of been a really stupid way to go. Mowed down by a huge (it was like an Ironing Board with legs) Badger. At least I would have been remembered. That guy that got run down by a massive Badger. Wouldn’t be as bad as the guest found drowned in a pool at a party in LA in 1985. The party was being held by LA lifeguards celebrating they’re first drown free year.
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