Here me on Saturday night dressed for Halloween. Had a pretty good mask considering how cheap it was. I painted on the fake blood to the teeth and chin myself and looking back on it I wished I’d stuck loads more around the mouth now.
My friend came as… well a kind of zombie Panda I guess.
Still a creepy sight. Here me trying it on and getting fake blood over my hands as it wouldn’t dry on the plastic (still got some of it under my nail’s now).
Was watching some old Dr Who last week I’d bought on DVD to relive some of those 80’s childhood memories. I’m pretty sure I was just acting out some repressed childhood dream of playing a Dr Who monster.
And here me picking my latest victim out of my teeth. Some poor cheerleader I came across on the way home? Or just a Kebab? I’ll never tell.
Anyway hope your having a great Halloween.
Tis the season… for murder.