Saturday, 4 August 2007

The Old Man And The Wii.

My friends not old (in fact his six months younger then me) but I thought a Hemingway gag would give this blog a bit of much needed class.

Here a video I shot a couple of months ago and forgot to post. It’s a friend playing on an arcade game called Stacker. The basic rule of Stacker is to stack moving lines of blocks on top of each other but the higher you go the less blocks you get and the faster it goes. If you make it to the top you win one of the big prizes. My friends had his heart set on winning a Wii for a few months now and his pretty good at this game. Its probably getting in to double figure’s the amount of times his got to the last line and missed out. I feel bad for the money my friends wasted on this game (probably spent enough to buy a quarter maybe even a third of a Wii if he’d just saved the money.) Saying all this it wouldn’t surprise me if one day he did win one. If nothing else this video proves his the Tim Henman of Stacker.

I called the video Stack Head because I’m hoping that kids all around the world will start getting hooked on this game and then these kids will be called Stack Heads and it will turn into a bit of a pandemic and I’ve always wanted to name a pandemic.

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