I can see why people wouldn’t like Zombie Lake. Green faced nazi undead isn’t for everybody (or anybody really) but I have to say I thought it was all right. It is what it is. Sure the effects are terrible with green make up that stop before the collar and the world first (and last) zombie on zombie knife fight (about as action packed as it sounds) but I enjoyed it. Any film were half way through a van full of female basketball players turn up to go skinny-dipping before being dragged off by lime coloured, dead nazis is worth a look.
Like most zombie movies there are some slow bits (weirdly this film has an all right plot) so I kept my sketch’s book next to me (something I should do more often when watching films) and to make up for the sloppy zombies I drew my own. I forgot how much fun it is to draw zombies. No wonder everybody’s doing it.

One thing I forgot to mention in my last post when I was summing up last week was the moment when I was walking pass the Job centre and spotted some guy picking fag butts out of the drain at the front and quickly pocketing them. That was a pretty weird and sad sight. Still now everybody has to smoke out side that guys probably never going have to buy a pack of fags again. The streets, drains and gutters are going to be choked with fag butts.
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