Monday, 21 May 2007

TV and Cigarettes.

Not some poster for the July 1st ban of smoking in public places in the UK. But a panel from the second issue of Dirge and the only frame I could have posted without giving the whole page away and a big piece of the plot.

I don’t know what up with Channel five lately (that a UK TV channel to anyone reading this outside of Blighty). Last weekend they showed the film Monster Squad, which I’ve been wanting to see ever since I read about it in that Stan Winston book they brought out for Christmas last year (Monster Squad was an 80’s kids movie with creatures like Dracula, Frankenstein, Wolf Man, The Mummy and Gill Man who was a rip off of The creature from the black lagoon.) And tonight they’ve got the late 90’s, adaptation of one of my favourite books “Breakfast Of Champions” by Kurt Vonnegut. The film meant to be terrible but I’m still glad I’m going to get a chance to see it. What with playing films I’ve been wanting to see for ages and that Russ Meyer documentary they made a year or two back, channel five is actually becoming a useful channel (at last).

I’ve also been told that some people had problems leaving comment so I’ve messed around with the settings and that should be sorted. So if you tried before it should be fixed now so feel free to try again.

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