So after a couple of short train rides and catching up on any news from the last couple of days I find myself in Brighton for the night. First thing we had to do was swap the tickets for wristbands. These wristbands would let you in to any gig that was part of the festival. With only a poor printed out map to go it took us a while to find a couple of little huts that made up the meet up point to collect your wristband and after another wait in the queue I found myself having a fluorescent pink plastic band wrapped round my wrist (when did it became acceptable to wrap a fluorescent pink wristband around a strangers wrist???).

First band up was The Magic Numbers. I’m not a huge fan, but I hadn’t paid for the tickets so didn’t really feel I could say no. We had got the wristbands in time for the start of the show and all the gigs were spread out over town but this one was close to the wristband hut but the only problem was neither of us had any money for drinks\booze so before any gigs we had to waste more time looking for a cash machine. By the time we’d got to the gig after finding there was no cash machine near the seafront and having to walk back up into town. The hall was so packed we were back against the back wall and all we could see from there was the top of the lead singers forehead. After a couple of songs we decided it was a bit of a wash out and decide to take ourselves and our gay pink wristband to another gig. As we waited around for The Gallows to start we agreed we should learn from our Magic Numbers mistake and get to The Rakes gig early. So before The Gallows even started we were heading for The Rakes gig about half-an-hour before it was even about to start.
While walking along the seafront to the gig (and trying to stare at this girls arse in tight white trousers without actually looking like I’m staring at her arse) I hear a squeal go up from my friend behind me and he was waving a ten pound note. “Look what I just found” he gushed (in the last month he clams to have found two five-pound notes on two separate occasions. I don’t know if he really is finding these notes or just fucking with my head?). The queue for The Rakes gig was a joke. We were half-an-hour early and there was already a stupidly long queue ahead. “Just probably haven’t started letting people in I guess,” I said until we found out to our horror it was one in, one out…
As we walked away I joked I was so happy that I hadn’t actually paid for these tickets. This festival was so over booked the tickets weren’t worth the pink fluorescent plastic they were printed on. My friend said there was one band who were meant to be “up and coming” and we should be able to catch most of there set if we hurry. I can’t remember the bands name but it had the words “dead” and “horse” and they were playing just along from the Uni. So we rushed back along the seafront and up towards the gig stopping for nothing expect a much-needed cheeseburger and a pub that had live music coming out. I said maybe we should go in, as it was the closes we’d had come to actually seeing a band, but my friend said we could always come back if we couldn’t get in to this gig. So along we went to the pub and found another fucking queue outside. Not only another queue but yet another one in, one out queue as one of the depressed guys in the queue ahead let us know. So we went back to the other gig just in time to catch them packing up.
We walked along near the Uni feeling cheated and tired when we looked over at something that had been set up on the green across the road. Hoping it was a gig we went over. But instead we found weirdly enough it was actually that Lady boys of Bangkok show going on (that’ll teach me to take the piss out of they’re poster) its was all fenced off and through a gap of fence made up of bamboo sticks you could see a group thugs type guys (looked like a group of bouncers on a night out in loud shirts and pints in hands) being lead into some hut. It all looked a bit seedy and there certainly wasn’t any live music (or women by the looks of it) so we were off. We had to catch our train home, so after a quick drink (I felt I had to buy my friend one after he wasted all that money on these tickets) we headed home.
Good gigs usually do have some hassle involved with them. I remember the suffering caused from trying to see The Pixies a couple of years back but at least I actually got to see an amazing show in the end. Unlike this night. I found most of the night funny (its not like I’d actually paid or been looking forward to it) and even my friend who had, saw the funny side. At one point on the way home we joked that it would be really funny if there were a hardcore rock band made up of Bangkok Lady Boys. The Fluorescent pink wristband would have suited that gig better to.
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