Friday 27 September 2024

Night Of The Living Dead Comics.

The many different copies of Night Of The Living Dead Comics and Graphic Novels I currently have in my collection.

Some are adaptions. A lot are prequels that flesh out the backstory of the characters and events of NOTLD. And some are sequels, often set in later time periods like the 70's and 90's.

I would love to maybe one day own them all, but considering Night Of The Living Dead is in the Public Domain and any publisher can put out a Comic with that title, it seems very unlikely. There must be so many I don't even know of.

Friday 20 September 2024

Rogue Paratrooper Coloured.

On the battlefields of World War 2, a lone British Paratrooper (nicknamed the Red Devils by the Germans) takes out the crew of a Tiger Tank with his Sten Submachine Gun.

Some old school tough and gritty WW2 action.

I really tried to research and get the colours and look right on this Pin-Up. So hopefully I did the Paratrooper Weaponry and Uniform justice. I do think it is an iconic look and design and one of my favourites.

This is maybe the Colour Job I'm most happiest with on any of my Artworks so far. I spent a long time trying to make the trousher look as inchy and rough as I could, and the Muzzel Flash as cool as I could in this Pin-Up.

I also like that the background has a dark smokey foreboding battlefield feel about it.

Thursday 19 September 2024

Rogue Paratrooper B&W.

My black and white artwork for my latest War themed Pin-Up.

The Paratrooper look is maybe my favourite British Army look and design of all time, so I was very glad I got to draw it in this shot. Plus I even got to sneak in a Knife wielding Nazi as well and a little bit of a German Tiger Tank.

I also got to do my take on the famous Sten Machine Gun. It's a really tricky firearm to draw, as its design is like no other, but one that looks really cool if you can get it right.

Colour copy to follow soon.

Saturday 14 September 2024

Saturday The 14th.

Had a really fun time last night with Friends marking the unluckiest day of the year by watching Friday The 13th on the big screen.

But how did you all celebrate the big day yesterday? Skinny-dipping? Getting high and making out in the Woods? Investigating that strange sound coming from the old abandoned Summer Camp with a flashlight that keeps flickering on-and-off at the worse possible moments?

Friday 6 September 2024

All In The Name Of Research.

Fun Fact: In order to draw this new panel I've been working on this week, I had to do some research into Bunny costumes and what they look like, and how they work and so on, and now I'm worried Google (and what ever other dark forces track my online activities) are gonna think I'm a 'Furry'.

Sunday 1 September 2024

A Walking Stick Of Charcoal.

I've had a crazy amount of fun these past several months dreaming up Ghoulish designs for my new Undead Comic.

And this is one of my favourite looks... He's half Zombie, half lump of walking charcoal.

This poor guy has clearly been having a rough afterlife since coming back from the dead