Friday, 8 December 2023

Doctor Who Cover.

Thought I'd just share the results of something I cooked up recently while playing around with a Doctor Who Cover template page this week. When I 'Edited' the Doctor out of my recent Fourth Doctor vs the Tentacle Monster from Space-1999 Pin-Up and had a go at making a 'Faux Cover'. 

Sadly the original Pin-Up was in landscape and the Doctor himself was actually pretty small in the artwork, so I had to zoom in a bit, which is why the Art looks a bit 'blocky'. But I still think it makes for a Fun Cover, even if the Villain is 'off-page' and reduce to just a pair of Tentacles creeping into shot.

I think it still kinds of works... kind of...

I wish I had more time to do 'Fan-Art' and could maybe have a proper crack at doing a Doctor Who Cover sometime. I'd really love to do a Cybermen Cover one day.

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