Monday, 27 June 2022

Zombie Selfie.

While most people are smart enough to run and hide from the 'Living Dead', there'll always be those dumb enough to risk falling into the hands of the Undead just for Zombie themed content for their Social Media Accounts (like a certain Reality Star and Influencer caught in the act above). 

'Zombie Baiters', as a lot of people call them, will head out into the wastelands, Phone in hand. Often fighting each other to try and take a Photo or Video of themselves with the most gruesome Ghoul they can find. The grosser the Groaner, the more 'Hits' and 'Likes' they're likely to get.

The reward of online fame is enough bait for these foolish wannabes to get up close-and-personal with a Walker. 

Be smart, people... don't risk your Brains for a Selfie with a Zombie.

Wednesday, 22 June 2022

Penmanship Of The Damn.

I know I said this was gonna be a Summer of Sci-Fi, but I hope people won't begrudge me sneaking in one (slightly out of focus) Undead Shambler into today's post?
I have to confess... I really more wanted to show off my latest Hand-Lettering, and how it's looking now I'm using my new Pens. I'm really trying to take my Comic Book Lettering skills to the next level this Summer.

I was even pleased with the way her 'Zombie Baiter' T-Shirt came out, which I did with a Brush Pen. 

Friday, 17 June 2022

Jungle Attire.

You know you've probably prattled on about Pith Helmets a bit too much when they start showing up in your 'targeted advertisement' banner ads when you sign in to check your Emails...

I have to say, though, with the sunshine we've had today, I totally wouldn't mind owning one of those right now. It's the perfect weather for it.

Thursday, 16 June 2022

A Panel Of Planets.

Nothing says 'Sci-Fi' like a space scene full of weird and wonderful Planets.

This Panel is me trying to establish that the events of this story happen on a beautiful but deadly Jungle World (hence why it's a very green Planet).

Saturday, 11 June 2022

Secret Alien Flora.

Like I was saying in a previous post, I've really been enjoying making up and drawing strange new Alien Plant Life for a short Sci-Fi story I'm currently working on.

And I have to say I think the following Plant is probably the best of the lot... Which is annoying as I've since lettered the page it is on, and know for a fact it gets completely covered up by a Word Balloon.

So people reading it will never get to see this particular peculiar plant, so I guess this one's just for my Blog Readers.

Monday, 6 June 2022

Dragon's Domain Screening.

I'm not sure how wise it is to do TWO epic pin-ups bases on a TV show episode that even your average Sci-Fi Nerd hasn't seen...

But for anyone who has been intrigued by my recent Dragon's Domain artwork and fancied checking out that particular episode for themselves, the Horror Channel are currently rerunning the first series of Space-1999, and I believe are showing it this Wednesday at 7:00pm, for anybody who wants to catch it, and see if it lives up to the hype.

I'm also pretty sure it's on some streaming sites, if you google it. It's usually around episode eight.

For UK readers or those with access to the Horror Channel, you can find more info HERE.

As well as Dragon's Domain imdb page HERE.

Fun imdb trivia fact... The events of Dragon's Domain happen (or happened) on the 3rd of February 2002 which is (or was) my birthday.

Thursday, 2 June 2022

Human In A Hedge.

Of course it's not just Robots that creep about in bushes as today's post shows...

Sometimes you can find the odd human in there, too. Prowling around and up to no good.

This panel is also my first go at drawing Alien Fruit. It's surprising how much fun it is to draw weird Fruit from another planet.

Wednesday, 1 June 2022

Bot In A Bush.

I thought people might like to see a certain Robot from a previous post now all coloured up and hiding in a bush (because that's a pretty normal thing for a Bot to do, right?).

It's only Wednesday, and I've already spent a crazy amount of hours on my Computer colouring this week.