Thursday, 6 January 2022

That Time Of Year Again.

Welcome to that really depressing part of the year, when all the decorations have been taken down, and Christmas feels so far away again.
When there's no good food left, and you can't use Xmas\New Year as an excuse to get drunk anymore, not that there's much booze left in the house at this point.

I was walking into town today to do some shopping for the weekend, and as I was crossing the road, I saw a massive pothole with the remains of some small animal smeared around one side. Whatever killed the poor thing must have hit it pretty hard, as the carcass of what was left looked like it had exploded or something. It had truly been 'Gibbed' badly and even more shockingly looked like it was still twitching, even though it couldn't be deader and looked like an old kill.
It was only as I got closer to it, that I realized it was actually just a rolled up grotty piece of dark red tinsel that had got caught on the edge of the pothole blowing in the wind after being run over a million times.

It was the perfect morbid way to say Christmas is dead...

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