Saturday, 10 July 2021

Come On England!

Would just like to quickly take a moment to wish England good luck in the Euros this weekend...

It's been a great couple of months of Football in an otherwise not always very fun Summer. 

To show my support (and hopefully not come across as too jingoistic) I thought I'd post this unrelated growling WW2 British Paratrooper character I've drawn recently that I thought fitted the mood for the finals quite well. True Brit grit, as it were.

I know a lot of people have picked up new weird habits and hobbies during this ongoing Pandemic, especially during lockdown. Mine is that I've really gotten back into War comics lately. I would read some as a kid, and enjoyed them, although War comics were really out of fashion when I was young. But it's just recently I've started to get back into them and appreciate the British ones more.

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