Thursday, 24 December 2020

Merry Christmas From Lockdown.

MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone. Hope you're all staying as safe as you can this Yule Time.

Last Christmas was a bit of a nightmare for me at times. There's something about the Christmas period that seems to just magnify existing problems so much. I was kind of hoping by the time Christmas 2020 rolled around, life would be more back to normal and things would have settled down a bit... Instead I find myself spending this Christmas in lockdown. Living in a part of Britain that has gone from having one of the lowest infection rates in the country, to one of the highest. And where a new super infectious variant of Covid virus now rages. Differently not the Christmas I had been hoping for 12-months ago, that's for sure.

None the less, I hope folks are managing to have some fun this Christmas and are looking after themselves ok? Also a big thanks to those who have been in contact in 2020 checking in. It's always sweet when someone does. Nothing shows who your true friends are like a deadly world changing pandemic.

Just a reminder that new pages of Babayka Land have been uploaded recently over on Babayka-lives. There's now 90 installments of Babayka Land to be enjoyed for people looking for a bit of escapism this bleak Christmas.

I'm also determined in 2021 to try and get a new Model And Monster pin-up underway at some point very soon too. It's been a while since I've done one. I know all the covid chaos might make working with a model a nightmare at the moment, but I think it's more important than ever to keep fighting and creating art right now.

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