Monday, 5 October 2020

SLASH-UPS: Halloween Challenge.

What with life feeling like a real-life horror movie this year, it would be interesting to know how many people are actually planning to celebrate Halloween this October, and how many are just gonna keep their heads down and give it a miss?

Since our yearly SLASH-UPS Halloween pin-up challenge is mostly done online, we've decided to try and keep it going, since it is virtual anyway. There'll be no artshow or anything like that, but we will still be doing something base on a pre-chosen horror theme this year (previous subjects being Vampires in 2018 and Muck-Monsters last year).

When it came time to pick a theme for Halloween 2020... the choice seemed pretty obvious.

Considering we've all been living with the threat of a Virus that has invaded our lives this year, it would be crazy to pick anything else. This year has probably made germaphobes out of most of us, and put the dread of infection in all our minds.

Obviously not everyone will be up for spooky Halloween fun this year. We're sure many might feel they've had enough horror in their life for one year. But for those that ain't gonna let Corona rob them of another event in 2020, we will be trying to do our part to keep the Halloween spirit alive on the 31st.

So please do feel free to drop in and join in this Halloween.

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