Wednesday, 10 July 2019

I’m Not Above Bribery.

Although I haven’t maybe mention it as much as I should in 2019, I can assure people Babayka-Lives related things are still currently very much in the works, and the series is due to return later in the year. Have no fear, folks.

And speaking of things I need to mention more, but always forget, I should point out that the Babayka-Lives fan-art folder is always open for submissions. I seem to be cursed, as everyone so far who has done me a pin-up or some art, either doesn’t have a Deviantart account, or stops using and deletes their account, leaving a very unfed looking folder. So if you’re a creator on Deviantart and want to show this series some love and change this depressing situation, it would be great to see some Babayka or Yana or any of your favourite Brides Of Babayka or Babayka Land characters (living or dead) themed art.

I keep trying to think up something I could make and give out as bribery to artists kind enough to have a go at some Babayka fan-art. Preferably something digital I could send out, but not sure what yet? Any suggestions are also welcome. Currently I’m leaning more towards maybe Babayka-Lives themed Paper Dolls, as I had a blast making the Slasher one of me for SLASH-UPS a couple of years ago, and keep meaning to do some more. Or failing that, maybe some one-off Babayka-Lives single page stories or one-off pin-ups. I also have a couple of other ideas, so if submissions pick up, I will try and do something as a thank you for artists.

Until then, the Babayka-Lives Fan-Art Folder, as always, can be found here.

And I can be contacted about all things Babayka-Lives related here, for those with suggestions or queries.

Keep watching this space for more updates soon.

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