Friday, 22 September 2017

Halloween Playlist Request.

For reasons I can‘t go into just yet, my Halloween this year is gonna be very busy and chaotic. But more on that soon…

For right now, I thought I’d just put a call out for Halloween tunes I could use for putting together a spooky playlist of terror. I would love to hear any good sinister suggestions for music to put on during this forthcoming Halloween season.

There might be a more professional reason for me wanting to put together a playlist this year… or it might just end up being a bit of fun and something for me to do for kicks this Halloween, we’ll see. Never the less, if people do wanna throw some song ideas at me, I’m all ears.

The only rule is the song has to be somewhat horror related. And if possible, a bit funky and not too downbeat. Something that would chill a room (in a creepy way), but not bring the vibe down too much. Also, fair warning, I’m not really much of a pop guy, although I have to confess pop music has got a lot better since I was a kid.

So if you’d like to recommend a sinister tune or two, comment below, Note me (on Deviantart), or send your picks to the usual Email address.

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