Sunday, 21 May 2017

End Of Sale Looms.

Ok, guys. This is my last shout out to let you know the 30% off first editions of copies of my Graphic-Novel Brides Of Babayka sale ends on Wednesday (the 24th). After that date, that particular edition will be out-of-print. I myself won’t be selling it, as I only have a couple of copies myself. And the only place you’ll be able to pick it up is from second-hand sellers. And bear in mind the couple of times I’ve seen people selling second-hand copies online, they’ve been pretty pricey. So the next few days will truly be people’s last chance to buy the first edition for new and at only 70% of retail price, before it’s gone forever this Wednesday.

Copies for a very little bit longer can be bought from

I will try answer any and all questions you may have about the sale before it ends midweek at the usual Email address, but be quick in getting them in.

Also, head over to Babayka-Lives this weekend for the summer cliffhanger, before the series returns later in the year. Find out if I was a massive jerk and left the question of who’s in the barn unanswered, or if I finally made the big reveal.

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