Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Brides Of Babayka: Second Edition.

I guess today’s is as good a day as any to drop my first bit of big news in a series of big announcements that are coming your way over the next couple of months.

So (drum roll) one of the big things happening in 2017, is Brides Of Babayka is getting a second edition. The first edition has been around for just over three years now, and I feel now is the right time to retire it and launch a new copy. This new edition will have an all new front and back-cover, as well as some changes inside. A couple of things I’ve wanted to retouch and correct over the last three years, as it were. There’s a couple of bugs in this first edition I’ve been wanting to squash for a while now.

I don’t know how much longer this first printing of Brides Of Babayka is gonna be available to buy. It might be a month or two… it might be sooner… it might be later… but once it’s gone, it’s gone. I’ve still got some copies for any readers who have been flirting with the idea of getting a sign and sketch in copy off me from my online Babayka-Lives store.

So if you’re a collector of first editions, or enough of a Babayka-Lives fan, that it would bug you that you never snapped up the chance to own the first edition when you had the opportunity, you still have a limited time to do so, but be warned, the first edition’s days are numbered. I might put aside a few copies for hardcore collectors down the line, but this most likely will be your last chance to own Brides Of Babayka in its first edition incarnation for retail price, before it’s replace by the second edition. As always, you can find details of how to pick up your copy on Babayka-Lives.

It would be arrogant to imply I think a first edition of Brides Of Babayka might ever be worth something in years to come. That said, this is the first edition of it… and your chance to own a copy is coming to an end very soon. So if you are an first edition junkie… act now, before it’s too late.

Email me at the usual email address if you have an questions or inquires about buying a first edition copy.

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