Thursday, 17 November 2016

Tapped Out.

Readers following Babayka Land on Tapastic will be pleased to hear I’ve finally got around to uploading part 4 today. It’s the scene of Oleg telling the tale by campfire, of how Babayka turned the Russian village of Krayvengrad into a ghost town. It’s pure lore, for those that like spooky back-story.

I have to say, I have a sneaky feeling Tapastic has fallen out of favour with a lot of webcomic readers recently. I’ve notice my own readership has dropped over on their site, and comics I follow have either stopped, or hardly ever get updated these days. Feels like in 2016, a lot of people have jump off the Tapastic boat, as it were. I get the feeling most of my own Tapastic Babayka-Lives hardcore readership just go straight to the main site these days, and only a few stragglers remain. I’ll see how things pan out going into 2017, but if you do read my webcomic over on Tapastic and would be heartbroken if I stopped posting on there, let me know via Email, and I’ll no doubt keep it going.

Speaking of the main site, tune in this weekend to see if Newton, Elizabeth, Oleg and their new armed friends can survive, as the wolf-pack closes in on them. Can they think of something quick and drastic to save themselves, or is this misadventure over before it began? Find out their fate this Saturday.

Also, just a reminder. After nearly seven years on Deviantart, I’ve finally got around to sorting my gallery into folders recently. So when you next hit up my gallery section on there, you’ll find all my Babayka-Lives artwork now in its own handy folder.

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