Saturday, 24 September 2016

One For The Scrapbook.

So as foretold, if readers head over to Babayka-Lives this weekend, you’ll see Mr Wolf is no more, and instead has been replace with a new image, and the return date of Babayka Land. Yes, Babayka-Lives will be live this Halloween, so warn the villagers and find a safe hiding place (for all the good it will do ya.)

I always like to try and make cool looking placeholder cards for when Babayka-Lives is on its breaks. Hopefully give readers something cool to look at while they wait for the series to return. The reason the ones in the middle of the series get deleted when the comic starts again, though, is I don’t want them slowing down the story for new readers who wanna read all of Brides Of Babayka or Babayka Land in one go. I feel they’d be an unnecessary break in the storyline, and so I wipe them. But for the hardcore fans, I thought I’d repost Mr Wolf here on this very blog as an extra little treat for blog readers. Enjoy.

Also, no spoilers… but when I wrote “Who will survive” on Babayka-Lives today… I wasn’t joking. There will be carnages this Halloween.

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