With today being the second year anniversary of Babayka-Lives, I have two treats for readers to celebrate.
Firstly, fresh from the drawing board this weekend is the above photo of the very page from Book Two I’m working on right now. You’ll spy a familiar sinister face, and a couple of new ones from my latest sequential page, which is currently only pencilled, and not yet even inked.
And secondly, to celebrate Babayka-Lives entering its second year, here’s a quick bite-size bit of info to wet your appetites for Book Two. Just a little clue as to what to expect in 2016.
Since we’ve met the Brides Of Babayka, and Babayka himself/itself, and we’ve even seen inside their gruesome lair, Book Two will be more about building up the world that surrounds them (hence why Book Two is called Babayka Land.) We saw a little of it in Chapter Two of Brides Of Babayka, but in the forthcoming second Book, I don’t think it would be a big spoiler to say we’re heading outside this time for this misadventure. I didn’t want to do another ‘Brides Of Babayka’, where another group of unlucky tourists are tricked into visiting the hotel, and are picked off one-by-one by the Brides and Babayka. My aim is for readers to find Babayka Land just as surprising, scary and exciting as Brides Of Babayka, and not to just remake Book One.
Thanks to all Babayka-Lives readers who have been tuning in and supporting this web-series during 2015. I’m a little nervous, as it wasn’t long after my first year anniversary that my site got hacked, and I had to rebuild Babayka-Lives from scratch again during the first few weeks of this year. And then not long after that setback, that I had massive problems with my internet provider, and was offline for nearly a month, so I’m hoping the start of 2016 will be a bit kinder to me and my webcomic in the coming new year.
I’ll be posting the date that Babayka-Lives returns and Babayka Land (Book Two) starts very soon, so keep watching this space. Now if you’ll excuse me… I need to go finish pencilling the page above.
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