Just because I got my hands on a copy of Madwoman Of The Sacred Heart by Jodorowsky and Moebius this Xmas, I thought I’d end the year by posting this Moebius documentary I often watch on youtube. I wish the BBC made more comic-book based films like this one.
Tuesday, 29 December 2015
Thursday, 24 December 2015
Merry Christmas 2015.
I think if any image shows you shouldn’t mess with Krampus, it’s this one… Jeez… If you wake up tomorrow morning, and your ears hurt and you’ve got a wet, sticky forehead, you’ll know you weren’t a good boy\girl this year.
I’ve got a couple more presents to wrap, but I’m more or less ready for Crimbo now.
Here’s an early Xmas present for all Babayka-Lives tapastic readers, as if you head over to my page this Christmas eve, you’ll see I’ve just uploaded the final instalment of Brides Of Babayka on there today. Enjoy.
So let me just end by saying Merry Christmas to all readers. I hope you’ve all enjoyed Babayka-Lives during 2015, and hope you have a great Xmas this year, what ever you’re up to. And I hope your all comeback in 2016 for Book Two: Babayka Land.
Sunday, 20 December 2015
Babayka-Lives: Second Year Anniversary.

With today being the second year anniversary of Babayka-Lives, I have two treats for readers to celebrate.
Firstly, fresh from the drawing board this weekend is the above photo of the very page from Book Two I’m working on right now. You’ll spy a familiar sinister face, and a couple of new ones from my latest sequential page, which is currently only pencilled, and not yet even inked.
And secondly, to celebrate Babayka-Lives entering its second year, here’s a quick bite-size bit of info to wet your appetites for Book Two. Just a little clue as to what to expect in 2016.
Since we’ve met the Brides Of Babayka, and Babayka himself/itself, and we’ve even seen inside their gruesome lair, Book Two will be more about building up the world that surrounds them (hence why Book Two is called Babayka Land.) We saw a little of it in Chapter Two of Brides Of Babayka, but in the forthcoming second Book, I don’t think it would be a big spoiler to say we’re heading outside this time for this misadventure. I didn’t want to do another ‘Brides Of Babayka’, where another group of unlucky tourists are tricked into visiting the hotel, and are picked off one-by-one by the Brides and Babayka. My aim is for readers to find Babayka Land just as surprising, scary and exciting as Brides Of Babayka, and not to just remake Book One.
Thanks to all Babayka-Lives readers who have been tuning in and supporting this web-series during 2015. I’m a little nervous, as it wasn’t long after my first year anniversary that my site got hacked, and I had to rebuild Babayka-Lives from scratch again during the first few weeks of this year. And then not long after that setback, that I had massive problems with my internet provider, and was offline for nearly a month, so I’m hoping the start of 2016 will be a bit kinder to me and my webcomic in the coming new year.
I’ll be posting the date that Babayka-Lives returns and Babayka Land (Book Two) starts very soon, so keep watching this space. Now if you’ll excuse me… I need to go finish pencilling the page above.
Monday, 7 December 2015
Tap Happy.
I have to confess I’ve recently been worried I’ve be ignoring my Tapastic readership lately on this blog, so to make up for it, today’s post is aimed solely at you guys. If you head over to my Babayka-Lives tapastic page today, you’ll see Part 26 (the penultimate instalment) freshly uploaded and waiting for you guys. Finally find out the fate of Ronald Blake, as we head towards the end of Brides Of Babayka. Enjoy.
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
For The Readers.
Since the end of 2015 and the start of 2016 for me will be spent working on Babayka Land (the second Babayka book after Brides Of Babayka), and getting pages of it ready to post in the New Year, I thought until then it would be a good time to hear from the readers of Babayka-Lives. Now Book One is at an end, and Book Two is waiting in the wings, and people now know what the Books and webcomic are about, it would be a great time to hear from people, plus I have a special treat up my sleeve for those kind enough to get in contact. I’ve been experimenting with trying to make artwork look old timey and creepy lately, and so took my latest Babayka character sheet, and try to make it look like something people might have drawn up in the Victorian era, when trying to depict Babayka. A mouldy, old piece of rotting paper, where a survivor has drawn the monstrous Babayka to warn others, perhaps, as seen in this candid photo above of it on my laptop screen.
But this bit of artwork is exclusive, and only available for a limited amount of time. So what do readers have to do to get a digital copy, you may be asking. Actually… very little… it’s not that hard. There are a few ways you can get yourself a copy, and they are as follows.
Feedback: I’m not looking for a vast essay or anything, but if you’ve read Brides Of Babayka and wanna share a couple of thoughts, please do. Did you enjoy Book One? Maybe who’s your favourite character or favourite death scene? Did you find it scary? Did any scenes really freak you out? How’d you feel about the ending? If you’re a female reader, do you think you look like any of the Brides, maybe? Did you find Babayka and his reveal scary?
A Question: Got a thought\question you wanna throw at me about Book Two (Babayka Land) that you think other readers might also share, then let me hear it. Hopefully it’ll be something you won’t mind me publicly answering over on my blog, if it’s a good question that needs addressing. If I get a lot of people asking the same question, then I’ll know it is something that does.
Fan-Art: For readers who are arty, why not depict Babayka or your favourite Bride? Doodles, drawings, paintings, computer renderings, however you make art, I’d love to see your take on any of Babayka-Lives characters. Maybe you’re a creator yourself and wanna show your character going one-on-one with Babayka in a Death Battle, perhaps? Or maybe you wanna draw a deleted scene from Brides Of Babayka? What did happen to Colin when he met Babayka that first night? Etc…
Own The Graphic-Novel: I figure anyone who was kind enough to buy the book should automatically be eligible for any freebies. Just send me a photo of you with the graphic-novel (or just the graphic-novel itself if you’re shy) to get a copy.
I’ve tried to make it as open and fair for everyone who wants an old timey Babayka character sheet as I could. I think everybody can do at least one of the things listed above, so it shouldn’t be too hard to get a copy. Just basically sending me a nice, non-troll-y Email will probably get you a one, to be honest. I won’t be a dick about it. The best way to get in contact is via Babayka-Lives’s Email address, but by all means feel free to get in contact either on Deviantart or Tapastic if you prefer. That said, I will need an Email address to send the artwork to. The Babayka-Lives Email address can be found as always HERE.
Looking forward to reading and maybe seeing what readers have to offer over the next couple of months. A big thank you to anyone and everyone who does get in contact.
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