Thursday, 22 October 2015

The Clowns Are Closing In.

Was watching this 1974 BBC documentary on Dracula last night on iplayer. Differently worth a watch if you’re either a Dracula fan (like myself), or just want something semi-spooky to watch to get you in the mood for Halloween. Also worth watching just for the awkward divorced lady in the bookshop scene (it around the 28-minute mark.) I also like this documentary because it’s both po-faced and a little sleazy at the same time.

Speaking of getting in the Halloween mood… was a little spooked myself to read this story earlier in the week. The internet is packed with stories of creepy people dressing up as clowns to scare the public, but it’s even scarier when it’s happening just up the road from where you live. I’ve just gotta hope they don’t head south to the coast. I’ll just have to hope that like the aliens out of Signs, hopefully clowns are for some reason scared of water.

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