Saturday, 31 October 2015

Happy Halloween 2015.

Wishing all readers of Babayka-Lives are very Happy Halloween.

As you can see from the above image, I was very pleased to do a Babayka themed Halloween Ecard this year. I haven’t had a chance to do one since 2012, and the nice thing is this year, I get to do one and put my own monster out there (which is very cool.) I’ve been wanting to do a Babayka themed Ecard for a few years now, so this year I get to live the dream. I had planned to do a Yana one last year, but time got away from me, as it was my first year of running the webcomic. This year I did it bit-by-bit slowly over the summer, so I’d know I’d have something to post today. I went with a Babayka ripping out the page and coming at you look for this image. I think Babayka looks scary when he’s on a rampage. When he’s on the attack.

Also, because this Halloween falls on a Saturday this year, readers get a double treat (with no trick) as if you head over to Babayka-Lives today, you’ll see a brand new page waiting for you. The Brides will be spending this Halloween weekend cat-fighting over Blake.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Stocked Up For Halloween.

I thought I’d try and sum up my plans for this Halloween in one photo. I always think Halloweens (like birthdays) are better on the weekend, as you can really make a day of it. I have something to read, watch and Halloween sweeties all ready for this coming weekend. I’ve been trying to get my hands on some Dennis Wheatley for ages, so I was amazed when I came across this 702-page book in a second-hand book shop last week. It was both cheap and looks pretty much unread, which is amazing, considering how hard I’ve found it in recent years to find any of Wheatley’s books. The mini-butter finger bars were kindly picked up for me by a friend who’s just got back from the states.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Housewives’ Favourite.

While there’s a certain sadness to the fact that the only people to Email me with offers of sex are all fictional scammers, out to screw me over… I do enjoy checking my Junk-Email folder from time-to-time, and laughing at the dodgy grammar these scam Emails use. By far, my favourite one recently has been this one. Is this sexy or bordering on animal cruelty, I wonder.

Also, I’ve notices in most of these scam Emails, the sender always seems to be a 'Mrs', rather than a 'Ms'. All I can say is that all the other men on earth need to get their Wives Emailing habits under control, because my Junk-Folder is overflowing with these. Especially you, Mr Yoshiyama.

Thursday, 22 October 2015

The Clowns Are Closing In.

Was watching this 1974 BBC documentary on Dracula last night on iplayer. Differently worth a watch if you’re either a Dracula fan (like myself), or just want something semi-spooky to watch to get you in the mood for Halloween. Also worth watching just for the awkward divorced lady in the bookshop scene (it around the 28-minute mark.) I also like this documentary because it’s both po-faced and a little sleazy at the same time.

Speaking of getting in the Halloween mood… was a little spooked myself to read this story earlier in the week. The internet is packed with stories of creepy people dressing up as clowns to scare the public, but it’s even scarier when it’s happening just up the road from where you live. I’ve just gotta hope they don’t head south to the coast. I’ll just have to hope that like the aliens out of Signs, hopefully clowns are for some reason scared of water.

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Get Your Creep On.

We’re in the build up to Halloween period of the year right now, when people are more and more looking for something spooky to indulge in as the nights grow longer. Tastes tend to turn to the macabre at this time of year, and things from the horror genre like books, comics and movies, tend to be a little more popular around now, as people get their creep on for Halloween.  

I should say, while Brides of Babayka is winding down, it won’t be finished by the time Halloween rolls around at the end of this month, sadly, for readers who might this year want to sit and read the whole of Brides Of Babayka as a Halloween indulgent. Should this have been your plan, however, and you feel like treating yourself (as well as supporting independent comics at the same time, and the future of, you could always order the graphic-novel for yourself as a Halloween treat, to go with your favourite horror film, and spooky sweeties (or candy, for American readers), so you can enjoy this year’s Halloween in style. The book contains both two extra pin-ups (a creepy Babayka one, and Yana and Vera and friend in the bath one), only to be found in the graphic-novel. And also book exclusive is the original Babayka character sheet. See how he was initial designed to look, which varies slightly to how he turned out in the book. Have a really scary Halloween this year and invite Babayka into your home, as well as up your Babayka-Lives geek cred at the same time. Details on ordering Brides Of Babayka can be found HERE.

Speaking of helping to support Babayka-Lives this Halloween, just a reminder to readers that shout outs always help greatly. If you’ve been reading and enjoying Brides Of Babayka lately, and wanna show the series some love, a link and a quick review really does help. In fact any support from readers is very welcomed (especially at Halloween.) If this spooky time of year has got you in the mood to draw, write, make, or digitally render something scary, I’d love to see any and all Yana, Brides or Babayka fan-art\fic if anyone wants to be awesome and do some. I’ll be posting my own spooky Babayka pin-up for readers on the 31st, so watch this space. In fact, I may even have a couple of Halloween surprises up my sleeve for readers this year (insert spooky laugh here.) If you are kind enough to do something Babayka-Lives related and want me to see it, the best way is to send a link or copy to the webcomic’s email address, which can be found HERE.

Speaking of scary treats, it’s Saturday, which means it’s time for the latest instalment over on Babayka-Lives. Has Blake’s luck finally run out? Did Blake even have any luck to begin with? Maybe the real lucky ones, were the ones who died first?

Sunday, 4 October 2015

Bye, Bye, Blake-y.

I continue to dance around possible spoilers, so as not to upset lagging readers. But what I will say, is if you haven’t checked out Babayka-Lives for a couple of weeks now, do yourself a favour, and get up-to-date. This very blog itself will get very spoiler-y when Halloween rolls around. Plus there’s the danger you may come across spoilers online (although I doubt you will, unless you go looking for them), so why risk it? Tune into Babayka-Lives today, and check out recently posted page-94, which may be the scariest page from the whole of Book one, that’s all I’m saying.    

If you have checked out the webcomic this weekend, and are looking for something a bit extra, here’s another character who will be appearing in Book two. Who he is, and what his relationship is to this guy, will have to remain a mystery for now. But I will give you one little clue about him. This is the guy who brings the fire in Book two.