Thursday, 11 December 2014

Tooth And Claw.

I don’t really plan to post too much from Babayka: Book 2, because of spoilers, but since I haven’t updated my blog in a couple of weeks, I felt I should post something. So here’s a photo from my phone of the latest panel I‘ve just drawn. I don’t think it’s a spoiler to say things get very primal in Book 2. Moral of the second book is simply ‘Nature’s the true villain in life.’ I’m half being facetious with that line… Half being deadly serious…  

Also, I’m pleased to say that there will be a pin-up done to mark Babayka-Lives turning one on the 20th. My recent scanner problems have been a massive pain in the arse, but happily the image is done, scanned, and now sitting on my desktop waiting for the 20th to roll round so I can post it. I currently have a love\hate relationship with the first anniversary pin-up. Sometimes I look at it and think it’s one of the coolest things I’ve ever drawn, while other days I’m not so hot on it. Never the less, hopefully readers will get a kick out of it. I get the feeling Yana Selfie is fans favourite pin-up so far, and the one to beat.

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