Friday, 24 October 2014

Back To Moon.

Tune into Babayka-Lives tomorrow as we rejoin Kevin Moon as he looks for someone to take his bad mood out on… but who does he find?

Here’s a little preview of the first panel to get you in the mood. I have a soft spot for this shot. I like it so much I almost used it as the image on the backcover of the graphic-novel. It’s strange how Moon became the star of both the front and backcover in the end.  It was both a case of happy accident and poor planning, I guess.

Also, if you’re planning on treating yourself and getting something spooky to read this Halloween. May I recommend Brides Of Babayka the graphic-novel. It’s the perfect time of year to snuggle up with a good creepy book. Plus the graphic-novel comes with exclusive pin-ups not available anywhere else. Find out what the Brides are hiding in the room at the end of the hall before the rest. Invite Babayka into your home this year and give yourself a real spooky Halloween.

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