Friday, 22 August 2014

Future Plans.

The good news is there’ll be two pages posted tomorrow on Babayka-Lives. The bad news is one page is just solid black with ‘Chapter Three’ written on it. Oh well… P.S. thumbs up for all the smart folks who answered ‘tooth’ as what Kevin Moon found on the ground last week.

This being my first year web-publishing a comic, I notices that a lot of web-comics go on hiatus over the summer months. This may be something I do myself down-the-line in later years (if my web-comic’s lucky enough to have later years), as I guess it kind of makes sense. People want to be out enjoying the sun in the Summer months, not online reading scary web-comics. That’s more of a winter time pursuit, I guess. It’s something I’ll be thinking about for now, anyway. I should say though, there are no plans for any immediate hiatuses. The web-comics been going weekly since December last year, with no plans of letting up for a good while yet. In fact this week we’ve only just hit the halfway mark in the Brides Of Babayka storyline. Which should take up the rest of 2014, and go well into 2015 as well (unless you want to cheat and just buy the graphic-novel instead.)

Over on my deviantart profile this week, I’m asking readers who they would like to see as the star of my next pin-up? I.E. which Bride should be next to get their own pin-up? Check out my DA page for details.  

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