Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Vote Now.

I mentioned this on my deviantart page over the weekend, and I’ll just give it a quick mention here, also. I’m fast approaching 10,000-hits on my deviantart profile, and don’t know if I should mark the occasion with some artwork? I’ve noticed a lot of people do, and while I am working hard currently on new sequential pages, maybe I could free up a little time to do something… but what? So I’m just putting the call out for any potential ideas. See if there’s anything people would like to see me draw as a pin-up to mark this event. Maybe a yana pin-up? a self-portrait? some monster pic (possibly with a side-order of damsel in distress?) or maybe a follow up pin-up to one of my previous pin-ups? or something else completely? (obviously I can’t do a Babayka pin-up, as it would be a massive spoiler for the web-comic reading crowd, but any other suggestions are more than welcome.) You can simply put any requests below this very post in the comment section. Or if you have a deviantart account of your own, you can private message note me (it’s always nice to sign in and find you’ve got a note waiting.) Or best of all, use Babayka-Lives Email address. Put something like ‘10,000 hits art ideas’ as your subject heading. I would love to hear any-and-all ideas.    

Speaking of deviantart, anybody wanting to check out my profile can find my page here.

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