Sunday, 12 January 2014

Pimping Ain’t Easy.

Just a quick post to say Page 9 of Brides Of Babayka went up today, with Page 10 following tomorrow.

The crude web visitor counter on my hosting page tells me (thank God) that I do actually have a small readership going, and very grateful of that I am too. So a big Hello and thank you to any of those new readers who may have found their way to this blog. I’ve been running some online ads, this past week, and trying to pimp my book and web-comic as best I can. I’m happier at the drawing board, rather than the doing the business hustle part, but I guess that’s something I’ve gotta get better at in 2014.

Please feel free to get in contact or leave feedback, also. Be nice to open my inbox\comment section and find a message that wasn’t someone trying to post spam on my site for some crappy online game.

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