Friday, 31 January 2014

Man With A Plan.

Been a busy start to the year with launching my web-comic\graphic-novel at the end of 2013, and real life soaking up all my free time. So I’ve planned a much more low-key weekend, this weekend, since it’s my birthday (well, technically it’s not my birthday till Monday, but Monday birthdays suck.) I plan to relax, eat Jelly Beans and watch a couple of DVDS this weekend. My trashy flick choice is Zombie Hunters. I’m not expecting much, it’s been a while since I’ve seen a really good zombie movie, but it at least it looks well made (judging by the trailer alone, that is), most modern Zombie flicks don’t even have that going for them.

Also got to see if I can get some artwork done at some point this weekend. Been doing little bits-and-pieces over the last few months, including some new sequential pages, but not as much as I would like. Got a couple of sketchbook doodles I’ve been trying to post for a couple of weeks now on here, but a recent Blogger glitch isn’t letting me upload images right now.

It won’t be so laid back that I won’t be posting new pages on Babayka-Lives this weekend, however, so be sure to tune in. Things start to get sinister this week.

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Wonder Star.

This week’s pages introduces the subplot of a British TV show called Wonder Star that the plump, nerdy character, Ben Plug, is obsess with (I’ll leave it open ended for non-UK readers as to whether this show actually exists or not here in England.) I have to confess, this was an idea that was meant to be a little bit bigger in the book, but got edited down slightly as time went on. This scene and scenario is very loosely based on a time a few years ago when I was chatting up an American girl, when she mentioned she watched Doctor Who, and I quickly lost focus and started to nerd out about that instead of trying to woo my way into her affections. I don’t remember it being as bad as it’s portrayed in the book, but it still wasn’t a proud moment. She was that rare thing (at least to me) of quite a frisky flirtier, and I just throw this massive nerdy speed-bump right into the middle of our conversation. She was talking about why she prefers to take long showers instead of baths, and how she had a an overly familiar relationship with her female flatmate, and I’m asking stuff like if they have ad breaks while showing Doctor Who in the United States? If I really did have a Tardis, I’d probably travel back to that exact moment a few years ago, and hit myself over the back of the head with a (fifth Doctor style) cricket bat.

Wow… fourteen pages in already. Just over halfway through Chapter One now.

Sunday, 19 January 2014


It’s the weekend, and both pages 11 and 12 have both now gone up. Check them out here.

With lack of new Who on TV lately, I watched Liar Of The White Worm this week to get some early Capaldi action. There was almost too much Doctor Who on in late 2013. It seems right there should be a gap until Doctor number 12 (or I guess 13?) turns up. That said, it’s only January, and I’m already looking elsewhere for Who fixes.

Hopefully with Capaldi being the new Doctor now, someone will soon release an all-singing, all-dancing Blu-ray of Liar Of The White Worm so I can actually own a copy of this flick. I actually really enjoyed this film and think it‘s a little underrated and has a lot to like about it. I think Amanda Donohoe is amazing in this movie. It is an almost Doctor-ish character Capaldi plays in it, too. I got a slight Doctor-ish vibe off his performance. Watching it made me feel excited to see what he does with the role later this year.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Pimping Ain’t Easy.

Just a quick post to say Page 9 of Brides Of Babayka went up today, with Page 10 following tomorrow.

The crude web visitor counter on my hosting page tells me (thank God) that I do actually have a small readership going, and very grateful of that I am too. So a big Hello and thank you to any of those new readers who may have found their way to this blog. I’ve been running some online ads, this past week, and trying to pimp my book and web-comic as best I can. I’m happier at the drawing board, rather than the doing the business hustle part, but I guess that’s something I’ve gotta get better at in 2014.

Please feel free to get in contact or leave feedback, also. Be nice to open my inbox\comment section and find a message that wasn’t someone trying to post spam on my site for some crappy online game.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Taken Too Soon.

Grrrr, just watched the first season of Enlightened and really got into it, then found out they cancelled it after the second season. It’s so frustrating when that happens. I was only just getting over the cancellation of Ripper Street. I’ll miss not seeing more of Laura Dern. I still think Citizen Ruth is one of the most underrated movies of all time.

Friday, 3 January 2014

Teaser Poster.

I posted this on my deviantart account just before Xmas, and it’s only just dawn on me that maybe I should post a copy here too. A sneaky look at a few scenes from my new graphic-novel Brides Of Babayka. I think it looks pretty snazzy. Sadly it’s a bit too big to post anywhere else online, I fear.

Hope everybody had a good New Year. I’ve been caught up in the boring admin that goes with launching a web-comic these last couple of weeks (I won’t bore you with the details.) So not much to report on of late. Just been making ads and trying to get my head around using Project Wonderful.

Also, hope everybody tunes into Babayka-Lives this weekend, as maybe my favourite page from the whole story goes up this Sunday.