Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Dracula Descending.

Been a long time coming, but I finally got around to doing some Dracula themed art. Pretty much all last year I had a massive urge to do something Dracula related, but couldn’t spare the time, as I was too busy finishing up my graphic-novel. But now I have some free time, I thought I‘d scratch that bat-shaped itch.

Here’s the count channelling his inner-Spiderman. I don’t want to even think how many hours I spent last week drawing and then inking those stones. This was maybe the most time-consuming bit of art I’ve ever done. I’m happy with the way the castle-wall looks (thank God), but I did come close to losing my mind a few times drawing this. I’ve been wanting to try and depict Dracula’s famous lizard wall-crawl for a while now. It’s a trait that has maybe fallen out of favour in recent years when people do their take on this character, but I’ve got a soft spot for it. I was kind-of-joking… but I do think Dracula would move a bit like Spiderman visually. Maybe minus the web-slingers, of course.

I’ve got plans to do some more Dracula art soon. Maybe try and do a small portfolio of them. I’d love to do a sequential Dracula story at some point, too. But for now, hopefully this pin-up will find some love. I had a lot of fun drawing it… apart from when I spilled\sprayed ink all over the place… and the whole spending hours and hours drawing rocks.

Wow, my internet has been so slow these last few days. It’s like going back to dial-up days, waiting for pictures and videos to load.

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