Saturday, 23 March 2013

PDF= Pain. Disillusion. Frustration.

I’m happy to say I spent the first part of this week inking and lettering up the final pages of my graphic-novel. The next step was to turn my 101-pages of high-res content into a giant PDF. This is because when it comes to reading\submitting digital work, I do think PDF is by far the best format for this function. I think sequential artwork reads really well as a PDF. I’m a big fan of the PDF format, just not the making of them. It’s just depressing when I think back to the last few days, and how many, many hours I’ve spent trying to make a decent PDF copy of my book. I’m not a great tech-nerd, sadly, so it’s all a bit trail-and-error, leaning more towards error. Every time, after hours of trying, when it looked like I’d made a break through, another problem would come along and slap me in the face. I knew this nightmare was coming, after briefly trying a couple of times in the past to do some small PDFs, but making a massive PDF just makes all the normal problems a million times harder and then throws up some new ones, also. I felt like a modern Sisyphus (I quite often feel like a modern Sisyphus.)

I don’t know how many people reading this blog come from a publishing\self-publishing background and maybe feel my pain? I just seem to be a bit cursed when it comes to making them. I think I’ve more or less cracked it now. Another hour or two of doing battle with this format, and then I can put these last few evil days behind me (famous last words.) It’ll be worth it for a high-res PDF copy of graphic-novel. That’s the current carrot-on-a-stick I’m chasing right now.

Here’s a new panel to reward you for letting me get that off my chest. Very, very soon, I’ll be able to start doing some brand new pin-ups. It’s been too long. I might even start doing some rough thumbnails this very weekend, between the sobbing fits, punching the walls, and not trying to throw my laptop out a window or pull all my hair out, maybe?

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