Tuesday, 1 January 2013

It’s All About 2013.

Happy New Year, everyone. I imagine half the internet has a hang-over right now, so I’ll try and type a little bit lighter today. Keep the keyboard clacking down, as it were.

Just want to thank everyone for checking out this blog in 2012. Sure… I’m guessing a lot of traffic I get are just people\computer programs looking for somewhere to dump a load of spam, but I sleep a little better at night thinking there maybe some real, fleshy readers out there, also. So to those people, I give a big thanks for the support (I’d give you a big high-five over the internet, if technology allowed such a thing to be possible.)

I’ve been in work mode these pass few years, and I don’t want to jinx it, but it’s looking like 2013 will be the biggest year since I started this blog back in 2007. I’ll be spending the start of the year finishing up the final third of Issue #4 of Project B.O.B., then I’ve gotta see about getting it out there. Over the last few weeks, a battle-plan has kind of formed in my head, which I’ll go into more details on in the coming months. Let’s just say I’ve got a lot of reading and researching online to do between now and late-winter. I’ve gotta come at 2013 swinging (swinging fists, that is… not, you know… partner swinging… I don’t have a partner, and I’m too square to know any swingers… so… that rules that out… that reminds me… need to remember to plant some pampas grass in my front-garden at some point in 2013. Maybe buy a fish-bowl, but no fish, too.)


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