Wednesday, 19 December 2012

The R-Rated Trailer.

Just one more trailer for this movie, I promise. Just because I think this is the best and most coherent of them so far. It’s still my must see movie of 2013. This and Dracula 3D (even if it has only got 4.3 rating on imdb.) I know the CGI looks bad, and people are already putting Dracula 3D down. But in this age of Twilight and camp-vamps, I’m totally up for a tits-and-blood, trashy vampire pic. I’ve got a lot of love for Dracula movies that try and out Hammer Hammer-horror movies.

Speaking of Dracula… was reading this article earlier. I’m a little torn on this news. I tend to feel forgotten or unpublished work are forgotten\unpublished for a reason. That said, I probably will try and pick up this book at some point in 2013... If the world doesn’t end on Friday, that is. I hope not, I’ve gotta finish my Christmas shopping Friday.

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