Friday, 23 November 2012

Dread Teds.

If you’ve been digging the sinister teddies, sadly, I think this is their last shot. I enjoyed drawing them more then I thought I would. It’s a good challenge to try and take something cute, and make it look a little bit evil. But this is where they bow-out. They belong to fan-fiction now… but hopefully not slash.

I’m trying to decide if I should have a bit of a theme for Xmas again this year. Last year, I just stockpiled Dario Argento movies to watch over the festive period. It was pretty awesome, until my DVD player died around New Year. It couldn’t take all that giallo action and choked like a pretty Italian lady, being strangled by an unseen man in a long overcoat, hat, and tight black gloves. This year I’m thinking maybe horror manga? I used last Xmas as an excuse to fill in my Argento blind-spot. Dead DVD player aside, I think it went pretty well. I think horror comics from Japan is the next blind-spot I want to work on. Been checking out this blog lately, and it’s made me realize there’s a lot of great stuff from there I’m missing out on. Tis the season to be putting that right. I just have to figure out now what’s been translated and available in this country. I kind of had a bit of a early start by reading the first volume of Tomie this week. That chick is scary. Like… really scary. She might be the scariest horror comic-book character of all time.

I need to make some horror pen-friends from around the world. Fellow horror lovers to swap what’s hot in horror in their country with me. Do some international Lovecraft style correspondence.

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