Tuesday, 30 October 2012

The Meat-Man Cometh.

Is this the longest gap in cinematic history between the first and second trailer being released? Pretty sure it’s been over a year since that first trailer. Anyhoo… it’s still the film I most want to see in 2013. Just finished reading This Book Is Full Of Spiders over the weekend. I gotta say I was expecting less from this book, but in many ways, I enjoyed it more than the first. It’s more of a story you can get a hold on, although I do get a kick out of the trippy nature of the first novel. It’s strange (in a good way), to live in an era where horror writers are as much inspired by video-games of the last twenty-years, as by books and films. There’s one scene where it all goes very Left-4-Dead meets REC. I guess one drawback to this book is that you really need to read the first, to get a lot of the stuff going on in the second. But then… why wouldn’t you want to read the first novel, anyway? It’s awesome.

I’m pretty much in Halloween mode at the moment. I’m gonna watch Horror Europa tonight with Mark Gatiss. Than maybe stick on a horror flick or two. Maybe tonight, is the night, I finally man-up and watch Teeth? … I doubt it.

Say what you like about Tumblr, one thing it does have on it side, is it’s great for looking up obscure comic-book artists. I’m a massive Guido Crepax fan, but it’s so hard to get a hold of his work. I currently only own two of his books, and getting a hold of them was a nightmare (although I see they’ve just put out a new Crepax book this very month, bringing my grand total now to three.) I’ve recently been taking a look at art of his that has been posted up on Tumblr. I still think his mark-making skills are second-to-none. Plus, no one draws sexy women like Crepax. I’d kill to see a piece of his original art. I hear they have museums of his work in Europe which I’d love to visit someday.

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