Friday, 17 August 2012

Hugo Wait.

Drawing in this unforgiving heat is a nightmare. I’ve been getting stuff done in the day-time, before my room becomes too hot to work in. It’s nice to still be getting stuff done, but you lose those precious witching-hours. That’s the time-slot, I feel I get my best stuff done. I’m just getting warmed up in the day-time. I always feel my brain is sharpest at around 9pm, how true that is, I don’t know, but it feels that way. I’m just more of a night artist. Always have been.

I hated this above panel when I first saw it on the page. However, I quite like it, when I saw it blown up on a computer-screen. Works better in big, I think.

So ended a long quest, when a copy of this finally poked its way through my letterbox this morning. I’ve been waiting years for someone to put out a copy of Hugo Tate. I have no idea why such a good book has been out-of-print for so long. I’ve only ever got to read bits-and-bobs over the years, from this comic. It’s been well over ten years since I read my first Hugo Tate short comic-strip, in an old issue of Deadline. I had kind of given up hope of reading it all in one volume. It’s been a long time coming.

The only single piece of original artwork I own, is a Nick Abadzis Hugo Tate drawing I bought in London, while in college years ago (crappy photo below to prove it.) I have this crazy dream of buying up, and having my own personal gallery of great comic-book artist’s works one day. Have a studio with framed artwork pinned up all around the place. But for now, I have neither the funds, nor the wall-space. And now most artist work digitally, it’s kind of killing that dream. I guess you can always buy prints, but it’s not the same, really.

Anyway… I know what I’ll be reading this weekend.

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