Friday, 15 June 2012


I think this is one of the more creepier shot form Issue #3. It’s neither Supernatural, nor gory, but hopefully still a little unsettling. It’s more like a shot from an old black and white thriller, or something. A predator watching his prey. Trouble’s a-brewing.

Don’t quote me on this next part yet (as at this point it’s only an idea), but I’m thinking of trying to put together some kind of online sketchbook club. I really miss the days of hanging out and sketching with other people. Chatting, maybe having the odd drink, and doodling. Since this has become too much of a rarity in my life these days, I’ve been thinking of trying to get it going again online. Ideally I’d like to do it as a group thing, but looking around on the net, I’m starting to notices group-video conference calls is a prickly son-of-a-bitch. I need to do my homework on it. See if there’s an online venue to host such an event (I’m currently eyeing up Google+Hangout as a possibility). I thought I’d take the first step and put the call out. Maybe do a test night, one night, this summer. Anyone with a webcam and sketchbook is more then welcome to get in contact. I’ve still got to work out all the details, to see if this is indeed a possibility, but it seems doable. It’s just seeing who’s up for it.

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