I got this great book called Monsters In The Movies by John Landis over Xmas, and after flicking through that, I really had an itch to draw some gruesome creature. Something big, mean and horrible. I was leaning more towards Werewolf… maybe with a punky, grotty, but strangely sexy chick thrown in. These are the elements that were going around in my head when it came time to do thumb-nails. However, as soon as I scribbled down the concept for the above image, I knew I had to do it. Sure… instead of a big, cool monster, I only got to draw an infected looking hand. And instead of a grotty\sexy punk-chick , I ended up drawing some raven-blonde type chick (I always seem to be drawing this type of woman. Must be my type.) But I just fell in love with the design of this shot. Also I’ve been wanting to draw guys in Gas-Masks for ages now. Also got to go off on a bit of an industrial-chic kick with this image. Something else I’ve been wanting to do for ages. There’s something I kind of like about that cold, rundown looking industrial style (maybe it comes from working in a couple of Industrial-estates in my time. Or maybe it’s because I’ve seen Eraserhead too many times.) With all those pipes and wires, they look almost spider-web like. And all those weird machines you’re not used to seeing in real-life, so they look a bit alien and you have no idea what they’re for. It’s something I’d like to return to. It might be a bit Werewolf\Punk-chick light, this image, but I did end up scratching a lot of itches by drawing this shot. I hope it finds some love out there in inter-web land. Anyone with an DeviantArt account can check this image out HERE.
Would it be wrong to date someone just because they looked like someone famous you really fancy? I mean I don’t usually buy into look-a-likes, but even I have to confess this chick looks a lot like Angelina Jolie. Like… really, really like her.
I seem to be going through an alternative Superhero phase this week. I bought Super on Blu-Ray (even though I don’t actually have a Blu-Ray player just yet), and I spent this weekend reading Incognito vol 2. I’ve fallen wayyyyyyyy out-of-sync with the Superhero genre. I need some good tips on what’s good at the moment.
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