Bod-Mods go, this picture has to be one of my favourites. It has that fish tank quality to it (if a slightly gross fish tank.) You could just spend hours staring into it. I’m never sure if Body Modification are actually cool, or just a creative form of attention seeking? Sometimes I’ll see something someone’s had done and think it’s pretty cool. Other times it’s all a bit lost on me. It’s the whole leaving yourself with a gaping hole in your face that I can’t get pass.
Also… I hated the look of that Wonder Woman TV pilot when all those pictures were leaked. From what I heard about it and from those on-set pictures, it didn’t look hopeful. That said, I hope someone puts the pilot online or something at least. I’ve gotta know if it was a car crash or actually ok. They should have put out
this photo before submitting it to the studios.
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