Still undecided on the cover for the second issue (posted above.) There’s elements I like about of it and maybe some I don’t. I guess my main worry is, is it too subtle for a horror comic cover? With the
first cover, I wanted to go more graphic. I bought a book on the artwork of
video-nasties of the 80’s and wanted it more to hit you between the eyes when you saw it. In the end I didn’t go down that route and ended up with a more restrained design. I went more for creepy and atmosphere, then blood and guts. I don’t regret this as I’ve come to really like the cover to issue #1, not that it’s perfect, but it sets a nice mood. It’s claustrophobic, which I like. This new cover, I also like the design of. Again, it’s more going for creepy and atmosphere. But I’m not really sure if this (or even the first cover) really scream horror. Maybe it’s harder to judge the tone without either of them being in colour. This cover’s got a nice, little sting in the tail when you take a second look at it, but still… I do wonder if I should have gone darker? Covers to horror comics aren’t afraid to be a bit more obvious. I’m trying to imagine this on the comic-book shelves next to all the zombie comics. Would it even get a glance?
Issue three’s front cover will be Satan juggling decapitated heads, while zombies vomit blood onto blind kittens, and a topless vampire chick plays an electric-guitar in the background… just to even things out.