Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Info Dump.

Read a lot of interesting stuff online over the weekend and last couple of days. So I thought I’d throw some links at you today, since the internet has been in full-interestingness-bloom lately.

First up, this short article on how Stephen King would make Vampires scary again. Saw this on the Guardian website at the weekend. A good, short read.

Next up is another great Cracked.com list. This time ‘nine video game easter eggs that took years to find.’ It’s bottom of the page, number 5 that caught my eye. Wesker’s desk in Resident Evil 2. Who checks an empty desk fifty-times? I had to look this one up on Youtube to make sure it was for real. I’m just picturing all those gamers now going back through all the old Resident Evil games and clicking on everything fifty-times.

And finally, I’ve just been checking out these first shots form The Thing prequel. I’m glad they went prequel instead of reboot or remake. I think prequels are the lesser of the three evils. They fill me with slightly less dread when I hear them announced.

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