Wednesday, 4 August 2010


Kind of glad I’ve got an older copy of Plants Vs Zombies with recent news that they’re retiring the Michael Jackson Zombie in future copies. I’ve had this game months and I still laugh when I see him dance across the screen. If your going to get a copy, don’t download it, get on CD. Then you’ll probably get a copy with him in it. Sure, the new afro zombie looks alright… but he’s no Michael Jackson Zombie.

I can’t watch Youtube videos of Plants Vs Zombies, as every time a sun appears, I have to stop myself from trying to click on it. I’m positive this game is what brought on my fathom air clicking a couple of weeks back. If I was a stronger man I’d just delete this crack like game off my desktop. But then what about all the flowers I’ve been growing in my virtual greenhouse? Maybe I can wean myself off this game with Dead Rising 2 when it comes out. God, I hope they do a good copy for the PC.

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