Wednesday, 7 July 2010


This panel is a bit of a nod to one of my favourite comics of all time. Well, the cover of it anyway. The Killing Joke had a big impact on me when I first read it years ago. It’s still a comic I’m always pulling off my bookshelf to read. In fact I think I have about three copies of it. My old beat up copy from when I was a kid, a newer copy I bought when I left home for college and the Bolland coloured edition they put out last year. So in this panel, I just wanted to do a bit of a tip of the hat to it. This shot also has a tiny bit of lettering done in my new font, if you look hard enough.

Here something weird that happen to me today that says bad things about my life… I woke up today to find myself ‘air double clicking.’ Like when a dog lays on its side and runs in its sleep. I was dreaming that I was on the computer (that how shit and boring my dreams are!) and woke to find my finger twitching in a double click motion. I found this both hilarious and deeply upsetting at the same time. I really need to spend less time on computers.

Really wishing it was August the 9th already. Look how lovely that Cybermen boxset looks. With this, that kick-ass scene of the headless Cyberman from The Pandorica Opens and the new BBC game they’ve just put out, it’s a good time to be a Cybermen fan.

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