This may well be a local thing and mean nothing to you, but is it just me or has the dog population exploded lately? I don’t know if it’s living under a Conservative government or the ongoing recession or our recent boiling hot summer… but everybody seems to be investing in dogs lately. And not the good kind either, the evil little ones that’ll be on the news for eating toddlers in a few months. The ones that were clearly breed to rip your balls off and seem a bit too savage to be sold to your average gob-shite looking to look a bit dangerous. The amount of times I’ve had to walk pass someone and their evil looking dog lately this summer.
The other day I was walking into work and as I got to a certain point and a certain area the pavements were just smeared in dog-shite. It was like a bad joke or something. Every few feet there’s another patch of crap spread out so they can get as many walkers as possible.
Something spooked dog owners into cleaning up after their annoying dogs in recent years. I think they could I.D. the poop or something, but maybe they’ve publicly dropped whatever scheme it was, because we’re back to the times of just keeping your eyes fixed to the ground when you’re walking about and shooting dog owners dirty looks.
It just that ’walking a tightrope’ look these people have when they’re walking down the street with these vicious little fucker they know they probably couldn’t control if\when it goes berserk. Or when you see some knucklehead walking down the road with a couple of pitbulls on one arm and some tiny kid on the other. It reminds me of a couple of weekends ago when I was walking to my local artshop (which is in a pretty shitty part of town.) I’m walking pass one house and there’s a pitbull in the tiny bit of space that would be their front garden. It doesn’t seem very interested in me at first but as I walk closer it starts to perk up until someone pulls it back, as I’m walking pass I see this tiny little girl holding the lead. She’s probably waiting for her mum who‘s inside, but if this dog decided it wanted to attack, this little girl (about 6ish if I had to take a guess and not much bigger then the dog) would be just dragged along and useless… if not caught up in the attack. I just put my head down and walked quickly down the road. I didn’t hear any barking or a little girl squealing as she dragged along behind this blood thirsty hell-hound, so I breathed a sigh of relief and went back to doing what I was doing… trying to avoid stepping in dog-shit.
Friday, 30 July 2010
Saturday, 24 July 2010
A $1000 Split Three-ways.

This pictures is all over the net today, but I think it worth reposting. Is The Human Centipede even out yet? I’m getting really bad at keeping up with what movies are on at the cinema and out on DVD these days. I thought The A-Team was out a couple of months ago, but it was only released last week apparently. Anyway, they’d kind of have to win the $1000 by default, really… has anyone ever suffered more in the name of cosplay?
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Back On The Horse.

Speaking of which… here another new panel. I left the lettering on this shot as I made a big song and dance about my new font, then never really showed it off. So here it is in action. Also the Cover can now be seen on my DA page.
Like a lot of people, been trying to keep up with The Walking Dead TV Show lately. I just hope a UK channel picks it up when it finally gets put out. Even with loads of new channels created by digital TV they’re still crap at it. Been a nightmare trying to figure out if and when certain shows are going to be shown. Plus with every website blurting out spoilers.
Thursday, 15 July 2010

To be honest it looks a lot better with the title on it, as all that unused space at the top tends to be a bit much. It’s like a third of this image is darkness.
When I was designing this shot, I was going for a much different feel. I was looking at old pulp comic covers and B-movie posters. I bought this great book on video-covers for video nasty’s called The Art Of The Nasty. I was really aiming for something gruesome. Something blood soaked, that screamed horror. Something that might catch the eye of your common gore-hound looking for splatter. But, as you can see, that wasn’t the end result. While thumb-nailing I came up with the above design and kind of feel in love with it. Not the gory throw back to old EC comics I was going for. But it felt the most right out of all my rough thumbnails. It reminds me more of that scene from The Birds, when they’re walking to the car at the end and all the birds are just watching them.
This heat is a bastard to work in. I don’t know how great comic book artist can come out of boiling hot county’s like Spain or Brazil? I’m finding it really hard to get down to drawing lately. Usually my fan and a cold drink keep me sane in the summer months. But this summer…
Sunday, 11 July 2010
Liquid Crystal Display.

Wow… has today been in fast-forward? I can’t believe it’s all ready over. Is time being sucked into a phantom black-hole or something? I want my Sunday back! Anyone else notice that or is it just me?
Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Here something weird that happen to me today that says bad things about my life… I woke up today to find myself ‘air double clicking.’ Like when a dog lays on its side and runs in its sleep. I was dreaming that I was on the computer (that how shit and boring my dreams are!) and woke to find my finger twitching in a double click motion. I found this both hilarious and deeply upsetting at the same time. I really need to spend less time on computers.
Really wishing it was August the 9th already. Look how lovely that Cybermen boxset looks. With this, that kick-ass scene of the headless Cyberman from The Pandorica Opens and the new BBC game they’ve just put out, it’s a good time to be a Cybermen fan.
Sunday, 4 July 2010
America’s Doctor Who.
It’s funny because it’ll probably be true soon. I do like the Punky sidekicks though.
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